• Executive Appointment Service (Enterprise solutions)

    Executive appointment service is to appoint us as your executive officer. By appointment and your authorization, we will be able to apply for banking and business accounts on your behalf, saving you the needs of fulfilling addition regulatory requirements such as ITIN or travel to the US. We provide Executive Secretary service for ecommerce and payment accounts applications. We also provide Executive Treasury service for bank account application.

  • US Merchant Account Application Ready
    Your company’s setup is ready to apply for merchant account with our partner First Data Payeezy. You may need US executive to make the application to meet compliance. Account opening resolution included.

  • US Payment Account Application Ready
    Your company’s setup is ready to apply for payment accounts. You may use it to apply for PayPal US, Strip US. We provide all necessary assistance to smooth the application process for you. If you want to use other US ecommerce platform, please contact us and we’ll try to sort it out for you. Account opening resolution included.

  • US Ecommerce Account Application Ready
    Your company’s setup is ready to apply for ecommerce accounts. You may use it to apply for Amazon US, eBay US, and Shopify US. We provide all necessary assistance to smooth the application process for you. If you want to use other US ecommerce platform, please contact us and we’ll try to sort it out for you. Account opening resolution included.

  • Crowdfunding Campaign Ready
    Your company’s setup is ready to apply to launch your crowdfunding campaign. You may use it to apply for Kickstarter, GoFundMe, or numerous other crowdfunding platforms. We provide all necessary assistance to smooth the application process for you. Account opening resolution included.

  • In many ways Fund Transfer Accounts and Payment Accounts work almost the same. Why would I need one then?
    • First a fund transfer account provide US account number. It is a great feature if you are not able to open your US bank account with a full service bank right away.
    • Second, it provides tremendous flexibility in having the fund readily available cheaply in your home currency. Transferwise also provides one of the best exchange rates in the industry. So it can be used as a pre-bank solution.

  • How is Fund Transfer Account different from Payment Accounts such as PayPal?
    • Payment accounts are designed to pay or receive money linked to your registered email. They do not provide account numbers or routing number. So it requires that your counter party also possesses an account with the same vendor in order to make transactions with you. E.g. to receive payment through PayPal from your customer, your customer will have to have a PayPal account or he will have to pay directly through PayPal’s payment gateway using his credit card.
    • Fund Transfer Account does not require your counter party to have a registered account with the provider. Once you apply an account with a provide, in our case, Transferwise, you will be provided with a US bank account number as well as US routing number. With your own US account number, you will be able to invoice your customer by asking them to wire or transfer monies to you.

  • What is Fund Transfer Account?
    A fund transfer account is a financial account that enables you to transfer fund from your account to other parties. In addition to transfer out or making payments, you are also allowed to receive funds or payments from a 3rd party such as customers or from your home bank account.

  • How does Transferwise work?
    • Your company’s setup is ready to apply for Transferwise account which provides borderless accounts in US dollar. You can use Transferwise to receive US dollar funds as well as making cross-currency money transfer. You will be provided with a US account number so you can invoice your customer directly and have them pay you directly. Account opening resolution included.
    • Transferwise account provides not only international fund transfer capability, but also have the special feature of providing you with your unique US bank account number with US routing number. With this US account number, you can receive US dollar funds from your customers in the US. To learn more about Transferwise, please check out its full services here

  • What happens if I’m rejected by the Bank for new account?
    • There are two other options in which you may still open a banking or US-fund accepting account.
    • First you may open a Transferwise account. Transferwise account provides not only international fund transfer capability, but also have the special feature of providing you with your unique US bank account number with US routing number. With this US account number, you can receive US dollar funds from your customers in the US. To learn more about Transferwise, please check out its full services here.
    • The second way is to appoint us as your executive secretary. We will then apply for the business bank account on your behalf. We act only on your specific instruction and authorization at all times. All accounts opened this way are fully controlled by you. We do not take part in any fund transfer activities, payment, or invoicing, unless we have specific instruction and authorization from you. (This is a premium service. Please contact us for more details.)

  • How do I apply the personal bank account?
    You will apply your personal account with East West Bank through video notary identification process. (Application approval is subject to the Bank’s discretion. We provide this as a free service. We cannot be held responsible if your application is rejected by the Bank.)

  • Can I open a US personal bank account?
    • It is not an easy pursuit to open a US bank account, personal or business, if you are not in the country. This is true everywhere in the world and not just in the United States. However, with updated technologies and compliance work-around, you are able to apply for bank accounts with our partner banks.
    • Exclusively for FastCorpUSA’s members, we partner with East West Bank to provide personal account opening service. You will not need to travel to the United States immediately to open your personal bank account.

  • What happens if in the event that I am required to come the US in order to open the bank account?
    You will be provided invitation that is required for VISA application if you don’t already have one. Once you have obtained the VISA to travel to the US, you just need to set a date for the visit. We can arrange everything from airline ticket, hotel booking, airport reception, to local points of interests. We will accompany you to the bank to have the account opened. Additional fees may apply for items such as air tickets, accommodation, excursion tickets, meals, and transportation. You will not have to pay additional fees to us for this service as it is already covered by our package and success guarantee.

  • Do you control my bank account?
    No. We do not control your bank account. We are opnly

  • Why is it important for me to take an effort to maintain the bank account?
    • You are advised to visit your banker when you have a chance to visit the US in the future. Visiting your banker is a good business practice. It also provide a chance for your banker to get to know you in person (KYC), discuss your business needs (KYCC) and the future of your business (KYB.)
    • In addition, you are advised to contact your banker first if you plan to transfer or transact an unusually large amount of fund or to perform unusually numerous transactions in the amount between $6,000 to $9,900. Unusually large fund transfers are also not encouraged unless it is for capital investments or long term financial investments with the bank. Deliberate efforts to circumvent the $10,000 reporting rule will be deemed suspicious.
    • Please be advised that not using your bank account properly may result in bank’s termination of your account.
    • In most cases, if you engage in legitimate business and use your bank account the normal way a legitimate business would require, you should not have to worry too much.
    • In addition, our quarterly compliance review will lay out things that you may want to pay attention to. We provide an extra layer of peace of mind for you. Please contact us anytime if you have questions regarding maintaining a good standing with your bank account or if you run into any issue.

  • What do I do after my bank account is opened?
    You will be given full control access to your account online. Checks, ATM debit card, and other bank documents will be mailed to you.

  • What are the requirements?
    • East West Bank does not require US travel. You do not need US-based executives to apply.
    • Santander Bank requires US-based executive making the application. All other US banks require US travel. Banking resolution included.

  • What are my banking options?
    • Business Bank Account by East West Bank or Santander Bank.
    • Personal Bank Account by East West Bank.

  • How do I get my business bank account?
    • There are two ways to apply for a business bank account due to the different process and requirements from different banks that we partner with.
    • The process to open a business bank account is different between East West Bank and Santander Bank.
    • With East West Bank, we simply introduce you to our banker at East West Bank. He or she will then arrange a time in which you can verify your indentify through video notary and video conferencing. You can apply both personal and business accounts with East West Bank.
    • With Santander Bank, you cannot open personal bank account without physically traveling over to the US and pay a personal visit to the bank.
    • With Santander Bank, you can open a business bank account through with our unique Executive Appointment service. You will appoint us as your Executive Secretary. Through this appointment, we will be able to apply for business bank account for you. Once the application is complete, you will control all activities of your business bank account through Santander’s online banking platform. We do not and cannot control your bank account on your behalf. In turn you have 100% control over your company’s bank account.

  • What documents do I need to open my US bank account?
    • We provide free bank account assistance to all our members regardless of your membership subscription level.
    • Your company is set up in a way that is ready and compliant for bank account applications. Certificate of good standing as well as bank account application documents are prepared for you. We have everything you need to open a business account ready for you.

  • Can you assist me in opening a business bank account if I’m not able to travel to the US in the next few months?
    • We provide free bank account assistance to all our members regardless of your membership subscription level.
    • With updated technologies and compliance work-around, you are able to apply for bank accounts with our partner banks.

  • Why is it so hard to open a bank account in the US?
    • It all stems from a succession of new regulations to combat money laundering and terrorism. Laws such as Bank Secrecy Act, anti-money laundering acts, and Patriot Act are enacted for this purpose. Gradually cumbersome requirements are placed upon financial institutions to make sure they do not break the law unwittingly.
    • Eventually all banks have adopted the policy of KYC, or even KYCC and KYB. KYC refers to know your customer; KYCC refers to know your customer’s customer; KYB refers to know your business. It all comes down to conforming the customer identification program (CIP)


  • Why is a there a travel requirement for bank accounts opening?
    • In short, there is no requirement for anyone to have to travel to the US to open their bank accounts. But in practice, no bank would allow you to open one without first getting to know you. It is part of the compliance measures that banks have taken over the year.
    • It is not an easy pursuit to open a US bank account, personal or business, if you are not in the country. This is true everywhere in the world and not just in the United States. The process has become very difficult and long because of the world’s increasing rules and regulations against money laundering.

  • Do you provide banking assistance?
    Yes. If you can travel to the US, we provide assistance for you to open business bank account with our banking partners. If you are not able to travel to the US, we provide other options to facilitate your business bank account opening.

  • Executive Appointment Service (Enterprise solutions)
    Executive appointment service is to appoint us as your executive officer. By appointment and your authorization, we will be able to apply for banking and business accounts on your behalf, saving you the needs of fulfilling addition regulatory requirements such as ITIN or travel to the US. We provide Executive Secretary service for ecommerce and payment accounts applications. We also provide Executive Treasury service for bank account application.